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Recently I learned that there is not evidence to suggest that weekly or daily blogging supports your business in measurable ways. It takes time, energy and dedication. So, why am I still doing it?
As I share my reasons you can be sure that I will be requesting that you consider the possible benefits for yourself. Not that you need a blog (but you may want one) but that you are willing to embrace more writing in your life.
First of all, I love that I hear from so many of you that you look forward to reading my blog and it’s a way of us being connected even if we don’t get to talk.
Secondly, with a weekly commitment to releasing this blog I have a weekly date with myself. A weekly time to stop and enjoy the luxury of pondering life. A weekly time to reflect and chew on what has been casually crossing my mind.
It is a kind of meditation for me. I have learned to not try hard, to not focus in but to just let thoughts flow freely when it’s time to write. It is a very cool experience that I don’t find elsewhere in my life. All else gets suspended and this peaceful and creative space opens up. (If I were younger this might be finger painting instead.)
The process of writing is often something I talk about or write about in the context of journalling. When something is stressing us out or causing us pain journalling is a highly effective way (for most people) to get both emotional relief and cognitive clarity. When we just think about situations we tend to go in circles like a hamster on a wheel. Once we put pen to paper (or fingertips to keyboard) something magical happens.
We tend to not write the same thing over and over but tend to move forward more linearly in our thoughts. When we let go of control and just let thoughts flow (like I do when I blog) then new thoughts, more honest feelings and a deeper awareness of what we have been suppressing happens.
As a society we have adopted a fast-paced, don’t-take-time-to-think, lifestyle. I think we have moved past just suppressing painful emotions to not even taking time to stop and think and feel in general.
So, my third is that my pausing to ponder gives me a regular chance to check in with myself and see if there is anything that I need to pay more attention to.
So, here’s the “ask”.
Would you be willing to give yourself the gift of pausing to write, about whatever you want, just once per week?
Would you be willing to do that for at least 6 weeks?
Without a blog deadline it may help for you to set a regular time in your calendar.
I’d love to hear from you, what happens for you if you take the challenge!
Until next week,
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Marilyn Orr is a Professional Certified Coach, who, through her coaching business “ Capacity Building Coaching ”, thrives on building both personal and organization capacity through leadership coaching and development.
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