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As part of the International Coach Federation Greater Austin chapter I have the opportunity to hear amazing speakers, often! Last night was one of our own, an amazing lady, Carolyn Scarborough. She is a writing coach helping people unleash their creativity. Feel free to check out her site if that interests you: https://www.carolynscarborough.com
There were so many great quotes from last night. Two of my favorites: “Fire the editor” and “The Itty Bitty Shitty Committee”.
One of our exercises was to write to ‘writing’ like we were lovers. It gave us each a chance to explore what our relationship is like with writing and what our hopes and dreams are. Super cool!
The evening also reminded me of a powerful exercise I haven’t done in a while and that I want to share with you.
Write yourself a letter!
Here are 3 separate ideas under this concept. (I hope some of you take on the challenge to do all 3!)
Past Me - What does older, wiser, more healed, more mature me want to say to younger me?
Younger me may have picked up some false beliefs through some wounding that I want to address. Maybe I need to kindly fire younger me from trying to ‘protect’ me from things that I can handle now. Sometimes younger me just needs to be offered love and compassion to allow current me to leave her behind, in peace.
Current Me - What do my head and my heart need to say to each other, and me?
Whether it’s that we are stuck in an old story about ourself or simply stuck, the act of writing can unstick us. Maybe you need affirmation or compassion about a specific thing. We can look to others for these things but how amazing when we can offer them to ourself!
Future Me - What would your future you to be doing, living, feeling?
This type of letter can help you stay focused in tough current circumstances. It can help you clarify your vision and even purpose. Perhaps you want to tell future you about this time or a past time in your life and either celebrate or grieve with him or her. Your future you has more wisdom and insight about current you. Even writing questions to future you can bring you clarity and freedom.
I hope this is both fun and therapeutic for those of you that choose to do this. As always, if you want to share anything with me, I love hearing from you!
Tips and Ideas:
• Write to yourself by another name (or your middle name if you have one)
• Email yourself the letter
• Actually pop the letter in the mail now or at a specific date
• Give the letter to a friend to mail to you later
• Using paper instead of a computer will help you not worry about grammar and spelling
• Have your kids do this with you
Happy writing!
Until next time,
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